Dashboards Preview

Dashboards Preview

May 1, 2020 | Features

As part of the forthcoming, next generation version of TMS Contract Costing, the development team have been working hard with our construction industry specialists on designing new interactive dashboards throughout the new system.

The above dashboard shows the 'Aged Debtors' dashboard, detailing Current/30/60/90/120+ days ageing, transaction drill down as well as Sales Ledger and Job contact details for easily phoning or emailing people to chase them.

The below screenshot shows our 'Outstanding Purchase Orders' dashboard, including committed costs, goods ordered not received, goods received not invoiced as well as equivalent views for purchase returns, plant hire and additionally Subcontractor committed costs for a complete picture.

Other example dashboards include: 'Sales Retentions', 'Subcontractor Aged Creditors', 'Subcontractor Retentions', 'Job Transaction Analysis', 'Job Performance', 'Plant Hire', 'Customer Enquiry', 'Supplier Enquiry', 'Subcontractor Enquiry', 'Job Enquiry' and a foreign currency version of the 'Aged Debtors' dashboard above.

In addition to standard, built-in dashboards like the above, it will also be possible to have bespoke dashboards created to your exact requirements. Alternatively, you could purchase the Dashboard Designer module and create your own dashboards and insert them into the Contract Costing menu.

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