Sage Job Costing Replacement

Sage Job Costing Replacement

Jun 23, 2022 | Uncategorized

With Sage PLC announcing that their long-time product, Sage Job Costing, has now reached end of life, there are many companies left with unsupported software that they are using to run their businesses. Whilst this may seem daunting, this is where TMS Contract Costing comes in.

TMS have been developing costing software for over 40 years and haven a proven record in delivering solutions that are intuitive, simple to use and can streamline business processes.

Our product, TMS Contract Costing, can directly replace Sage Job Costing, migrating all the data, at transactional level, and can replicate the reports that people are used to. You also have access to features that were missing from Sage Job Costing, if required, such as:

  1. Cash receipt postings against jobs
  2. Automatically allocation of employer’s payroll costs across jobs (National Insurance & Employers pension contributions),
  3. Hire purchase orders (with on and off hire)
  4. WIP postings
  5. Purchase invoice register
  6. Purchase order authorisations
  7. Full stock processing

As you would expect with modern, state-of-the-art software, you also have the option of modules such as Web Timesheets/Expenses & Web GRN’s to further streamline business processes, along with hosting options to remove the overhead of having to manage your own servers.

We have successfully implemented many conversions from Sage Job Costing over the past 18 months, so if you are still searching for a replacement contact us at or call 01324 550760 and see how TMS Contract Costing can help your business.

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